Insert data into database table
Checking the logins for Authenticated users or not
Retrieving records form the database table
Delete Employee recorder based on Employee-Id
Before deleting data, Database records are
Web page for adding customer and supplier details and list of customer and supplier details
Code for Login-Page:
Php code for Login Page:
Code for sign-up Page:
Php Code for sign-up page:
Code for Index page.
Code for creating new customer:
Php code for validating and inserting customer details:
Code for List of customers:
Code for creating new Supplier:
Code for inserting supplier details:
Code for List of Suppliers:
Login Page:
If you are the new user then click on new login and enter your id and password
Sign-Up Page:
If password and confirm password didn't match then you got an Message
It will redirect to login page:
After click on submit button you will redirect to Home page:
Home page:
Creating new Customer
List of all Customers
Crating new Supplier
List of all Suppliers
Checking the logins for Authenticated users or not
Html code:
php code:
Inserting Multiple fields into the database table
Html code:
php code:
Retrieving records form the database table
Delete Employee recorder based on Employee-Id
Before deleting data, Database records are
Web page for adding customer and supplier details and list of customer and supplier details
Code for Login-Page:
Php code for Login Page:
Code for sign-up Page:
Php Code for sign-up page:
Code for Index page.
Code for creating new customer:
Php code for validating and inserting customer details:
Code for List of customers:
Code for creating new Supplier:
Code for inserting supplier details:
Code for List of Suppliers:
Login Page:
If you are the new user then click on new login and enter your id and password
Sign-Up Page:
If password and confirm password didn't match then you got an Message
It will redirect to login page:
After click on submit button you will redirect to Home page:
Home page:
Creating new Customer
List of all Customers
Crating new Supplier
List of all Suppliers