 Database is a collection of information which used to store in a table format.
 Each database can contain more than one table. 
 We can easily access the data and we can perform operations on data like Create,select,update and delete the data.

Ex:1 To create a new database using command

 Create database  [ database name];
 Ex: create database employeeinformationdb;
  • Create is a sql command which is used to create a new database,table etc..
After refreshing the databases then we can see the newly created database.

Ex:2 Creating database by using management studio:
Step 1: Right click on database
Step 2: Double Click on the new database and type the name of the new database.

After refreshing the database then you can see the newly created database.

Ex:3 To Delete the table by using management studio:

Step 1: Right click on the database which you want to delete.

Step 2:Click ok button to proceed

Step 3: After refreshing the database

Ex:4 To Drop the table  by using drop command:
Drop database  [ database name];
Ex:drop database employeeinformationdb;

Sql Data Types:
SQL data types define the type of value that can be stored in a table column.
We have different data types.

1.Numerical data types.

   Data type                Storage
     Bit                           1,0,Null  
     Tiny int                   1 byte(0 to 255)
     Small int                 2 bytes(-32768 to 32767).
     Int                           4 bytes(-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 ).
     Bigint                     8 bytes.
     Real                        4 bytes
     Smallmoney           4 bytes
     Money                    8 bytes
     Float                       8 bytes
    Decimal(p,s):  The precision is the n umber of digits in a number and scale is the number  of digits to the right of the decimal.
                Ex:  125.45 is a number. Precision value is 5 and scale is 2.
   Numeric(p,s): It is same as decimal but the only difference is it specify exact precision and scale value.

2.String Data types
  Char: It's length is Fixed.1byte(Max lentgth is 8000).It is non unicode.
  varchar: It's length is not fixed.1byte.used to store non unicode data.
  Nchar: It's length is fixed.2bytes storage.It stores unicode data.
  Nvarchar: It's length is not fixed.Storage is 2bytes.It stores unicode data.
  Text: It's length is fixed.It stores non unicode data.Maximum size is 2GB of data.
  Ntext: It's length is Not fiexd.It stores non code data.Maximum size is 1GB.
  Binary: It's length is fixed. Maxlength is 8000 bytes.
  Vbinary: It's length is not fixed. Maxlength is 8000 bytes.
  Image: Variable length storage with maximum of 2GB binary data.

  Date: It gives only date. It stores only 3 bytes.
  Time: It gives only time. it stores 3-5 bytes.
  Datetime: It returns date and time. It stores 8 bytes.

Xml: It stores xml formatted data.It's maximum size is 2GB.