Identifiers are the names given to variables,functions etc..
  • Identifiers are case sensitive.
  • keywords are not used as identifiers.
  • The first character should not be a number.
  • The first keyword can be an alphabet,underscore or dollar.
  • No special characters are allowed except dollar and underscore.
  • variables are used to store the data values.
  • javascript uses the var keyword to declare variables.
  • Rules to declare variables.


Literals are used to represent values.These values are fixed.

Literals are different  types.
1. Array Literal: It is a list of zero or more expressions(elements)
                            Ex: var=[1,2];
2. Boolean Literal:It has two literal value.True or False.

3. Integer Literals:Integers can be expressed in decimal.hexadecimal and binary
                               Ex:var a=42;
4. Floating point literals: fractional part of a number is known as floating point.
                                          Ex: var b=5.1:
5. Object Literal: An object is a list of zero or more pairs of property names values associated with it.
6. RegExp: Literal is a pattern enclosed in slaches.
                    Ex:var re= \ab+c\;
String Literal:Zero or more expressions enclosed in angular braces



  • Variables are used to store the values.
  • variables values can be changed.
  • Variables can not be keywords.
  • These are case sensitive.
  • Syntax: var var-name:value.


  • Expressions are units of code that can be evaluated and resolve to a value.
  • Any expression is any valid set of literals,variables and expressions that evaluates a single value.
  • Syntax: var name=value or value=operand; 
  • Comments are used to make the program much more easier to undersand.
  • Any text between the comments will not be executed.
  • In Javascript we have 2 types of comments.
  •  Single line comment
     Multi line comment
1. Single line comments:

  •  These are represented with // comments.
  •  These are used for single line of statements.
  •  Any code between these slashes will never execute. 
2. Multi line comments:
  • These are Represented with /* and */.
  • These are used for block of statements or group of statements. 
JavaScript and Camel case:
  • Javascript is case sensitive.
  • The first character should not be a number.
  • we can use both upper case and lower case letters.
EX: var Num1;
var num1;