Constraints are used to apply rules or restrictions on database objects like tables.
We can apply constraints while creating the table or after creating the table.
1.Null Constraint:
- By default every column in table will accept null values.
- We no need to specify null constraint while creating a table.
2.Not Null Constraint:
Not Null constraint will not allow null values.
Syntax: create table <table_name>(column_name datatype not null);
Syntax: After Creating table
Alter table table_name alter column column_name datatype not null;
3.Unique Key Constraint:
- It Will not allow duplicate values.
- We can have more than one unique key in a table.
- It allow only one null value in a table.because it consider the null value also a value.
- But it not accept 2 null values because the other null value is the duplicate value.
Create table <table_name>(column name datatype unique);
Here i applied not null and unique constraints to student_id because unique constraint will allow one null value.
Syntax: After Creating table
Alter table table_name add unique (column_name );
4.Check Constraint:
Check constraint is used to validate the data before inserting into the table.
Create table <table_name>( column_name datatype check(condition))
Inserting the value against the specified condition
Syntax: After Creating table
alter table table_name add Check( column_name condition)
5.Primary Key Constraint:
- Primary key Uniquely identifies each record.
- We can have one primary key in a table which can be applied on single column or combination of columns.
- Whenever we apply primary key on a table then not null and unique key will be applied on the columns.
- It will not allow null and duplicate values.
Syntax: While Creating the table.
Create table <table_name>( column_name datatype primary key.)
Inserting the duplicate values into the table.
6.Foreign Key Constraint:
- Foreign will establish a relationship between tables.
- We can have more than one foreign key in a table.
- It allows null and duplicate values.
Syntax: While Creating the table.
create table table_name(column_name datatype, parent_Column_name datatype foreign key references Parent_table_name(parent_Column_name))
Syntax: After creating the table
7.Default constraint:
- Default constraint is used to provide default value to a column.
- If the value is specified then the value will be insert into the table.
Syntax: Create table <table_name>( column_name datatype default 'value'.)
8.Auto Increment:
- This key will generate a unique value automatically when ever the new record is inserted.
- The generated value can not be changed.
Syntax: create table table_name(column _name datatype identity or identity(starting value , increment value))
9.Composite key:
- Applying primary key for the combinations of columns is called as composite key.
- It will not allow null values.
- It will not allow duplicate values.
create table table_name(column 1 _name datatype,column 2 _name datatype, primary key( column 1 _name,column 2)
inserting the value which is already inserted.