Sql Operators:
Operators are used to perform operations on data.
We have different types of operators.
1. Arithmetic operators:
   iv.Division.:It returns the Quotient
   v.Modulus:It returns the remainder

Comparison operators
 There are used to compare values.
= operator
1. != operator
2. >operator
3. < operator
4. !<operator
5. >!operator
6. >= operator
7. <= operator

Logical operators:
1. ALL:It is used to compare a value to all values in another value set
2. And
3. Or
4. Any
5. Between
6. Exists
7. Some


Sql contains many built in functions
1. Numeric Functions

2. String Functions

i. Ascii: Returns the ASCII value for the character.
ii. Char: Returns the character based on the ascii code.
iii. CharIndex: Returns the position of a substring in a string.
iv. Concat: It is used to concat to or more strings.
v. Concat with +:It is used to concat to strings with "+".
vi. Concat_Ws: Adds two or more strings together with a seperator.
vii. Left: Extracts a number of characters from a sting starting from left.
vii. Right: Extracts a number of characters from a sting starting from right.
ix. Reverse: Returns a string and and returns the value.
x. Replace: Replace a old string with new string.
xi. Upper: Convert a string to upper case.
xii. Lower: Convert a string to lower case.